Ural-press Subscription and delivery
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Our news

Moving from the courier to the sinologist: the story of the employee of Ural-Press in Blagoveshchensk
Today, Yegor Pozdeyev is a student of the Confucius Institute at Blagoveshchensk National Pedagogical University; he worked at the Ural-Press delivery department in Blagoveshchensk for several years, being one of the first and the most respected couriers of the local subdivision. At the moment, he is doing practical training in China and is planning to enter the local university.

New location of the office in Chelyabinsk
The Ural-Press subdivision in Chelyabinsk moved to its new office: 454138, Chelyabinsk, Komsomolsky Prospekt, 32D.
Tel.: (351) 225-22-91, 225-22-94, 225-22-93.
E-mail: chel@ural-press.ru

From the Archives

«   ...we are thankful to the Ural-Press agency of subscription and delivery of periodicals for their high-quality workу, consideration and understanding »
E.A. Nazarenko, principal doctor
City Clinical Hospital of Emergency Medical Aid No. 10,
«   Ural-Press proved itself as a reliable provider of services in subscription and delivery of periodicals »
S.V. Droganova, head of the Department for Documentation Support
Gazprom Neft, OJSC,
Moscow, Ul. Novodmitrovskaya, 5a/4, entrance 1, floor 2
Tel.: (495) 961-23-62, 789-86-36 (37)

e-mail: moscow@ural-press.ru

Representative offices of Ural-Press in other countries:
Germany, Berlin, Waldemar Besler

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Tel.:.: +49 30 33890115

e-mail: frg@ural-press.ru

© OOO Agency "Ural-Press", 2011